

EPUAP congress

We are pleased to announce our presence at the 21st annual meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) in Lyon from 18 to 20 September 2019 . Find the Winncare team at stand number 24. You can also download the program below.


Winncare will host a symposium on September 18, 2019 from 12:15 pm to 1:45 pm, attached program, English and French version.


This satellite symposium aims to increase awareness among health care professionals on how to treat people who have lost independence, to prevent complications related to prolonged sitting or lying, compensate for disabilities and protect the health of caregivers and care assistants. Posturology and handling cannot be dissociated from quality of care, combined with appropriate use of technical aids, adapted to the needs of the individual and caregivers.

Remaining immobile in a reclined position can quickly cause complications in a sick, elderly and/or disabled person, within a few hours (pressure ulcer, phlebitis, loss of balance, etc.) and in the medium to long term (locomotor, continence and respiratory issues, cardiovascular maladaptation, contracture, postural issues, etc.). Similarly, prolonged time sitting in a wheelchair, combined with pathophysiological issues, is also a source of complications, which could often be avoided by applying validated best practice.

Faced with these issues, the aim of occupational therapy in those who have lost independence is maintaining the usual daily activities and preventing the complications linked to such pathologies, particularly old age and disability. The positioning and mobilisation, transfer and movement of such individuals involves solid, up-to-date knowledge and the ability to adapt, to implement the appropriate measures.


Mobilisation techniques for bed-ridden patients: posture and postural control
Fabrice Nouvel
Occupational therapist, Chair of the Association française des ergothérapeutes en gériatrie

Abstract : The aims of the decubitus position are to stabilise or correct posture, to prevent or help to treat a pressure ulcer, or to achieve a stable position allowing some activity, in the proper conditions. This paper will answer the question “How can postural issues and pressure ulcers be prevented in the decubitus position?”, and make sense of the art of positioning, using the individual's residual abilities, while emphasising the dual approach of technical aids and motor activation.

Appropriate measures to prevent the risk of MSDs in caregivers
Sébastien Bayol – Fanny Dubois
Occupational therapists, PRAP 2S instructors, Pôle autonomie santé l’ETAPE (34)

Abstract : To adhere to measures of preventing and treating pressure ulcers, caregivers are required to provide assistance to bed-ridden patients, to alternate positions. Knowing how to use the available equipment and technical aids, while adopting appropriate movements and postures for the patient’s abilities, is one of the key elements for limiting the risk of caregivers developing MDS

Positioning and assisting someone with a motor disability into a wheelchair: Sitting well?
Aurélie Galbrun – Myriam Turenne
Professor of adapted physical activity - Occupational therapist, Centre de l’Arche (72)

Abstract : The impact of our perception on assisting and positioning patients in a chair is a true health issue. There are several consequences of poor positioning (onset of angular deformity or increased deformation, increased risk of pressure ulcers, pain, etc.) and it can have a significant impact on quality of life.
We will thus try to answer the following questions: How do we help patients into the optimal position, that can be reproduced? What tools do we have to achieve this?

Risk detection, relationship between pressure measurement and mechanobiology
Antoine Perrier
Doctor in Biomechanics. Laboratory TIMC, CNRS Grenoble, University Hospitals Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris.
Presentation of research work carried out collaboratively by Nicolas Saubat, Olivier Chenu (Texisense) et Élise Dupitier(laboratory EndIcap UVSQ et AFM)..

Scientific and speaker coordinators: : Philippe Espinasse – Vincent Goumy
Assistance and participant support : Audrey Polverini

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